Friday, June 5, 2009

DB2 Universal Database v8 Handbook for Windows, UNIX, and Linux

Authors:Philip K. Gunning
Preface I wrote this book to provide you with the necessary knowledge with which to accomplish business objectives with DB2 UDB v8.1 for Windows, UNIX, and Linux. After all, as a developer or DBA, your primary mission is to accomplish business objectives by providing a database environment that provides the requisite performance, availability, and scalability required in today's demanding 24 7 highly competitive business environment. To that end, I have focused this book on key areas of DB2 UDB v8.1 that will enable you to meet those objectives. Some of the features covered are: the new Development Center, multidimensional clustering, online reorganization and online load, Type-2 indexes, tablespace enhancements, block-based bufferpools, tuning bufferpools, new commands and utility options, dynamic configuration parameters, autonomic computing features, write-to-table event monitors, SQL snapshot functions, QUIESCE command, and the database partitioning feature with new partitioning terminology updates. And, almost all new DB2 UDB v8.1 features and enhancements are covered in this book.


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